Mickey Mouse Original

I love this starbucks looking sweater. Now in store www.monkeystore.se
Today is Friday and omg I love Fridays. That is the only day of the week that I dont have to work, well I work anyway but mostly by the computer answering emails and editing pictures etc.
I recently bought a new keyboard for my new iMac and my workdays are suddenly much easier. The keyboard that came with the computer did not have the numberkeys in the righthand side so I calculated my numbers with "pekfingervalsen"
My camera is still angry with me so I really need to save the money to fix it, but it is a bit too much to take right now so I guess it have to wait a bit more. But I borrow my bfs camera instead =P
Im off with my coffeecup to the sofa to watch some 90210!

And now you know

Sweater - Monkeystore.se, Jacket - private (omg is´nt it great?!)
Right now I have so many things on my mind I cant even function properly.
I just changed system to a iMac and I have grown grey hair from the jetlag it gave me, but I have set up most of my work now and I should be up and running as usual soon.
The project Monday 4PM is really growing bigger, and I have got many contributions from all over the world, but now from Sweden? Why? Send me some pictures of what you are wearing/doing next Monday at 4pm! =)
Lots of love


The MONDAY 4pm project
Im gonna try an experiment, or maybe just a fun project that I really hope that many, many of you will be able to help me with. Already many has sent me photos for this, thank you guys! :)
The name is MONDAY 4PM and I want you to send a picture of your look at any monday at 4pm you want. What are you wearing and maybe also where you are or what you are doing then.
Im gonna publish the pictures in my blog and link back to you if you want to, and also show this at my clotesstore. And if this gets big I will make a smaller book with only the pictures and a small description of what the project began with and how it got bigger and bigger =)
I will make a moving gif also with all the pictures, and you can use this in your blog or website.
Does´nt this sound fun? And you just have to do so little to help, it will really be for a great cause.
Put this in the back of your mind and get back to me when you are ready.
Just send the pictures to my email: info@josign.se
My blog is: josign.blogg.se
My store: monkeystore.se



Would you walk in my shoes?

Knitted sweater - Monkeystore.se, Jewelries - Josign.se, Shoes are private

Veckans vara 30%!!!
Alla Lumberjackringarna kostar nu endast 60kr/st på www.monkeystore.se

En ballerina

I have something in my teeth?


Jacket: private, knitted sweater: coming at Monkeystore.se, Jeansshorts: Monkeystore.se, Bullet necklace: Josign.se

What am I doing in the woods with those shoes??

Veckans vara 40%!!

Fancy skater

Back to school 2

The blue Michigan Football sweater sold out real fast and I cannot order it anymore right now, but I got this version wich is also beautiful :) www.monkeystore.se